Friday, June 3, 2011

the counting

rejab is here

\(^ ^)/


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

of grudzien..

which part was it tht is hard to understand?


is in a perfect combination.. hope things turns out well insyaAllah!


i am amazed.


is reflecting..
reading my past entries..
made me wonder, ws it really my writing?
wt happend 2 her?


Saturday, September 25, 2010

d invisible behind d visible

...katakanlah,"roh itu termasuk urusan Tuhan-ku, dan tidaklah kamu diberi pengetahuan melainkan sedikit".

lalu melayang pergi...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

as requested

errr ermm rasa cam awkward mau tulis tulis~~

but sum1 really close to the heart mau saya update ini blog. tk sampai hati mahu menolak besides she requested it "rite on time" huhu.. i'll b having berderet2 exam. and im so0oo0o0o very happy 2 give bundles of excuses not to have my eyes focusing on those tiny tiny fonts dalam OHOCM. tak yah nk squeeze my brain understanding its contents.. *happy*

ive updated~! wheeeeeeee~~~~~


tp bila teringat imam anas.. saya jadi sayu.. bila baca pasal faris mazloom; my heart aches.

p/s sape curik semngat saya?! sila pulangkan sblum saya b'tukar jadi wanita yang anda tidak mahu kenali huhu

Saturday, March 31, 2007


i posted [9 sept '06] tis entry saje-saje nk tgk d stand of pmi community =)

to lend a piece of my mind...

after the shocking poll result of the malaysian ethnic unity released by the NST (march 20th-front page), another survey was conducted, this time was to get in depth the public (malaysian muslim) opinion regarding their views on islam (the sun sept 8th).

so yesterday, while i was reading the survey result, someone critically raised up the issue (or rather ketidak-puas-an hatinya) that quite a high number of people wanted islam to be a member of an inter-faith council, if there were any...but i ...

agreed with them.. 'coz i believe having the council will help us understand each other views and religion practices that required or (to be accurately state) that was obliged for its believers to perform. discussing develops knowledge and creates understanding. understanding will produce awareness and consideration that opens the door to tolerance and acceptance of what ever issue raised. and these finally would generates peace and harmony.

but what one should against is when the council was given or to a certain extent demand a power to decide on the rights or even worst penetrate into the affairs of its members. these would create chaos.

so there goes 'a piece of my mind'... and i am eager to hear your 'ketidak-puas-an hati' or 'ke-puas-an hati' on my views.. anyone??

and these r d response i received....

syahid^kecil said...

yup...mmg btul...ade pros n cons nye...kalu join dorng mmg kite blh "ustand n each othr views"...kte blh trngkn the do and donts in islam...mgkn kte blh gne pndektn fiqh dakwah utk mk...menyeru pd kalimah yg arh mtauhidkan allah..cons...kte dh tau mrk mmg ade niat y tersirt disblk ifc...obj ifc adlah utk mbuat rules ttg agm di m'sia..kte tgk pmintaan dorng pn kte dh ape pranan mahkamah syariah pasni??...dhla pranan dornng kt m'sia ni pn limit...pasni..maybe trus xrelevant....alhamdlh dgn adenye dorng ...case2 yg mlibatkn murtad msh blh dicontrol...w'pun xspnhnye...lgpn majoriti ptubuhn dlm council2 non-muslim...mrk mmg mahukan hak org islam di m'sia dilimitkn....bkn nk suuzonn....cme bhati2,..n kte pn xpnh mgangu agm mrk...lainlh org islam bt kaco ngn dorng.....'tlajak kereta blh reverse..tljk phitungn...islam tgadai....'n mrk skali2 xkn png redha dgn org islam smp kte ikt jejak lngkh mrk 2:120....xdnafikn kta kna btolernsi dgn tolrnsi ade sempdannye.....kte dh cukp btoleransi sblm nie...jgn smp bab yg mnyntuh aqidah pn kna btolernsi...apepn nie adlh pndpt sorng yg lemah...apepn kte kna rjk pd ahlinya...jgn hny krn result poll kte mdh ikut2tan...majoriti xsmstinye mlambangkn kebnrn...thnks 4 pddebatan ilmiah ni n sori kalu ade slh n slp...
9/10/2006 12:06:51 PM

i said...
tme kasih on ur comment.. aper yang anda kate kan tuh tk dinafikan mmg ader kebenaran nyer.. inter-faith council (tk kesah la boh name ape2 pon) yg ana maksud kan is a body whr we can freely discuss each other views in mutual respect and maturity, a body whr we can clarify our misunderstandings between one another (29:46). contoh nyer kita nmpk sorg MP hr tuh kate agama die tk bebas mlakukan ibadah dorg @ nk bina kuil2 dorg r very restricted shinggakan pemuda umno pegi bsemuka dgn die, so here pada pandangn ana la.. kt bleh gune kan council ni utk terangkan keadaan yg sbenar, di mana klu ikut kan islam la yg dilimit kan amalan nyer d mas contoh nyer pelaksanaan syariah yg sempurna masih tk dpt dijalan kan..o'coz dorg pasti ader agenda t'sembunyi... kat situ letak nyer kebijaksanaan kita in confronting wit 'em.. inter-faith council (baca:iblis fan club) yang ada sekarang mmg demand menda2 yang merosakkan aqidah umat islam. dan kita mmg tk boleh bertoleransi dalam isu ni. melayan permintaan2 dorg ni hanya akan merosakkan agama kita. sbb itu we got to review the original function of an inter-faith council where it should have become an ideal platform to generate harmony between us bukan create chaos mcm skrg ni. and to say islam tak dapat dan tak boleh bekerjasama dengan agama lain adalah silap sbb sejarah pun dah buktikan tak de negara lain selain negara islam madinah pada masa pemerintahan Rasulullah s.a.w yang dapat menjamin keadilan bagi smua agama2 lain dibawah pemerintahan nya.( a fact i need not eleborate)again tme kasih on ur response, i wud luv 2 c pmi create more healthy discussion whr we cud touch on various issues xspecially regardin' d concern of d ummah. n b4 i end let me share a saying (raser nyer) that goes sumthing like tis " a wise person is like a water, water does not crush rite through a rock in trying to pass tru it.instead, it comes from the left, and from the right, from above and from below."-wallahua'alam...jzkk-
9/10/2006 01:53:52 PM

nyemah_mulya said...
i agree...we can share and discuss each other's point of views...btul kate syahid kecil tue...mahkamah syariah nyer peranan pun now limited...kte x kaco diorang mmg kaco prinsip2 ag islam...we can respect other people's religion but they cannot respect ours...cause like u said...ade agenda tersembunyi...
9/10/2006 09:25:49 PM

Anonymous said...
"kita kna tgk balik klu utk mencari manfaat lbeh mendatangkan kemudaratan..."
9/12/2006 02:00:41 PM

PMI-Daily said...
Seseorang kata: "kita kena jelas apa ada pada penubuhan IFC. bahaya jika kita bersetuju pada penubuhan IFC"(saya sependapat seperti seseorang)setelah proses pertanyaan, penerangan & perbincangan, dijelaskan kepada kami bahawa: "interfaith council" yang dimaksudkan dalam artikel ini BUKAN IFC yang 'hangat di pasaran'. "interfaith council" yang dimaksudkan di dalam artikel ini adalah SEMACAM "dialog perbandingan agama"(jika yang dialog perbandingan agama, saya setuju)maka, seseorang berkata: "minta dibuat penjelasan >lanjut agar semua pihak jelas "interfaith council" yang dimaksudkan dalam artikel ini bagi mengelakkan salah-faham seperti yang dinyatakan di atas.,~baca balik IFC post yang terdahulu, matlamat penubuhan & tuntutan adalah jelas. malah, kita sendiri tidak pasti andai mereka ada matlamat lain yang tersembunyi. Allahua'lam. ~harap jelas~
9/12/2006 05:40:49 PM

i said...
salam..i'm absolutely grateful 2 received comments on tis entry. bnyk minta ana jelaskan entry ni.. i tought my comment had said evrythin' tp masih ade yang keliru lagi. insyaAllah i'll try 2 post d actual poll result whr i believe masih ramai yg tk tertahu lagi ttg survey yg dibuat. entry ana was my response to a poll result on public opinion survey released by the sun sept 8. dimana menurut survey yg dibuat, "Ninety-seven percent of those polled said it was acceptable for Malaysian Muslims to live alongside those of other religions, while 76% said that if there WERE an interfaith council in Malaysia, Islam should be part of that council" (please stress d word WERE)so my response was tht i AGREE with the 76% of d respondents. because> having the council will help us understand each other views and religion practices that required or (to be accurately state) that was obliged for its believers to perform. DISCUSSING develops knowledge and creates understanding. understanding will produce awareness and consideration that opens the door to tolerance and acceptance of what ever issue raised. and these finally would generates peace and harmony.<>but what one should AGAINST(TENTANG) is when the council(APABILA BADAN TERSEBUT) was GIVEN(DIBERI) or to a certain extent DEMAND (MEMINTA) a POWER (KUASA) to DECIDE(MEMUTUSKAN) on the RIGHTS(HAK) or even worst PENETRATE(MENCAMPURI) into the AFFAIRS(URUSAN) of its members. these would create CHAOS(KACAU BILAU).mungkin ramai yg keliru dgn penggunaan nama interfaith council (Majlis Antara Kepercayaan) dngn iblis fan club (IFC)atau gerakkan Atikel 11 yg sinonim dgn gerakkan menentang hak2 islam skrg ni. seperti yg ana dah terangkan >inter-faith council (TAK KESAH LA BOH NAME APE2 PON)) yg ana maksud kan is a BODY(BADAN) whr we can freely DISCUSS(DIALOG/DISKUSI) each other views in mutual respect and maturity, a body whr we can CLARIFY(MENJELASKAN) our MISUNDERSTANDING(KEKELIRUAN) between one another (29:46).<>_<>

Anonymous said...
who's 'pmi daily'?is it refer to pmi stand?rubbish
9/13/2006 10:59:42 AM

Anonymous said...
do not use pmi id since it wasnt pmi syura, understand k.
9/13/2006 11:03:30 AM

asmaa puterii said...
maleh.. maleh..
9/13/2006 02:39:39 PM

syahid^kecil said...
mgkn disini mbul kekeliruan dsbabkn miscommunication...thanks pd liyana krn sudi mjelaskn keadaan sbnr....sbb apbla kta mgunakn nama IFC so scr xlangsng org akn memikrkan ttg IFC yg 'thangt dipasaran' kalu stkt utk berbncng for understanding each othr belief or sumthin like friendly comparative g dibuat oleh ahmad deedat n dr zakir naik...why not??? mg dialu2 kn....n mmg dh ade ngo yg anjurkn progrm spt ni cam IIS....(bro shah n d gang) overall malaysian still not open to discus bout religion...sbb isu sensitive kononnye.. nk jg toleransi n mcm2 alasn yg islam pn mmg manjurkn friendly discusion cam ni...blh bg kefahaman psl islam....but..again..geng ifc snts akn mnunggu ksmpatan yg sesuai...krn nk mastikn tuntutan mrk g xmsk akal2 tcapai.....n mrk sntiasa brkrja saat umat islam dh mlupkn psl isu ni xkn abs slg umat islam sndr ttg isu ini sbb ramai lg umt islam yg msh keliru n xtau psl isu ni...kalu rjn blh bka web ni psl ifc:
9/13/2006 05:08:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Berdialog tentang KEPERCAYAAN AGAMA & Berdialog tentang PERBANDINGAN AGAMA (comparative religion)?? 2 words, different meaning to use.
9/13/2006 10:37:48 PM

nyemah_mulya said...
that's right...some people got confused...but i think after they have read about da actual poll survey, myb they'll is another idea if there were a different body being set up rather than that IFC...hope people are not more confused...myb...we can change views...or debate...:)
9/14/2006 04:15:05 AM

Anonymous said...
Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim..setelah bace entry kak yana and lihat pada respon2@komen2 yg diberikan, saye ingin berkongsi pendapat (yang insyaAllah xbersifat peribadi, tapi lebih kepada keterbukaan minda)tentang 'ifc' yang disebutkan.. first of all, tahniah saya ucapkan kepade kak yana yg telah membuka satu topik perbincangan yang agak menarik sehingga saye sendiri tertarik untuk memberi komen or respon terhadap isi2 entry tersebut.=)dan tahniah juga kepade mereka2 yg telah memberikan respon yg positif dan sihat.. barakallahu fiikum.. bagi saye yang masih mentah dalam perbincangan ilmiah yang melibatkan perbincangan tentang isu2 semasa begini, xlayak rasenye untuk mengutarakn pendapat sendiri.. rase hine.. anyway, moga Allah bantu saya dalam cuba menyampaikan apa yang tersirat di hati yang rasenye perlu disampaikan.. fazakkir innafa'atiz zikraa' aamiin yaa Rabb..isu 'ifc' yang dimulakan perbincangannya oleh kak liyana yang membawa maksud inter-faith council sebenarnya telah membawa kepada pelbagai kekeliruan yg kita dapat lihat pada respon2 yang diberikan.. anyway, saya sudah pun memahami maksud kak liyana and insyaAllah sedia memberi pandangan sendiri. bagi saya inter-faith council yang ingin ditubuhkan untuk bertukar2 pendapat tentang agama masing2 tak akan memberi sesuatu yang positif terutama pada agama Islam itu sendiri atas kesuciannya sendiri. soalannya, ape kena mengena kesucian Islam dengan 'ifc' kat sini?? pandangan saya, kenape kita perlu membuat council untuk memelajari agama mereka yang kita sudah yakin berdasarkan nas al-Quran(Ali-Imran:19) bahawa agama2 SELAIN Islam adalah xdiredhai walau apa jua agama tersebut? bila kita kate kite bersetuju mengadakan council untuk mempelajari dan menghormati hak agama masing2, itu menunjukkn kita redha terhadap agama mereka secara lansung n secara xlansung..fikirkan.. bukankah kite sudah mengenali sifat2 mereka yang telah Allah sebutkan dalam kitabnya ang suci sehingga hari akhirat (Al-baqarah:120) .saye ase sume orang di sini termasuk kak yana sendiri dah biase dengan ayat nie.. boleh rujuk sendiri insyaAllah.:)cadangan saye, dari kita mewujudkan satu council yg melibatkan inter-faith, lebih baik kita buat debate atau talk tentang perbandingan agama dengan 'pakar2' agama sesat mereka di depan khalayak (seperti assyahid syeikh Ahmad Deedat n Dr Abdul Karim Zakir Naik yg berdebat dengan orientalis2 barat) agar tujuan kita dalam membuat perbandingan agama tercapai tanpa menjadikn diri kita 'seolah2' redha dengan agama mereka.. saye teringat sebuah hadith sabdaan Baginda s.a.w yang terjemahnya berbunyi "Umat Islam di akhir zaman akan mengikut jejak2 langkah kaki mereka(yahudi dan nasara) setapak demi setapak sehingga tapak kaki umat Islam same seperti tapak kaki mereka"'uudzubillah.bacalah atau perdengarkanlah.. serta hayatilah maksud di sebalik surah al-kaafiruun.. dan rujuk kembali asbab nuzul ayat tersebut..ketika mana Rasulullah s.a.w ditawarkan untuk bersatu dengan golongan musyrikuun.. saye rase setakat itu sahaja yang saye nak iznillah.. aquulu qauli haazaa.. moga2 Allah beri petunjuk dan hidayahNya keada kita semua..=) salaam..-aku yg masih mentah-
9/15/2006 12:06:27 AM

Anonymous said...
2 words, different meaning...... kamu yang mentah,sbnrnya matang.. amiin. tq
9/15/2006 01:54:35 PM

Anonymous said...
yes..different meaning..saye faham..:) respon saye sebelum nie untuk kedua2 makne tersebut..council or comission or ape2 maksud..:)lupe nak hurai sikit mengenai sifat musuh2 kite nih.. perkataan 'lan' dalam ayat lan tardho 'ankal yahuuda wa lannasaaraa' membawa maksud selama2nya tidak.. maksudya, ayat tue diturunkan bukan hanya untuk orang yahudi dan nasrani pada zaman Rasulullah waktu tue je, tapi untuk selama2nya.. rasenye, tue je kot yang mampu saye hurai sikit.. untuk anonymous sebelum nie, saye memang terlalu mentah lagi..:) wallahu a'lam..-aku yg masih mentah-
9/15/2006 03:01:31 PM

Anonymous said...
terlupa sesuatu.. baza perkataan 'lan' dan 'lam'.. perkataan 'lan' membawa maksud 'kekal tidak' atau 'selama-lamanya tidak' manakala perkataan 'lam' untuk waktu atau zaman penggunaan perkataan tersebut.. wallahu a'lam.. p/s : kan dah cakap, budak mentah yg sering terlupa..-aku yg masih mentah-
9/15/2006 03:45:08 PM

PMI-Daily said...
salam...thank u 4 sharing ur views... thnx syahid^kecil 4 providin us wit d web sites n thx oso to -anonymous aku yg masih mentah-[wondrin y korg r bein soow secretive??] on ur constructive comment.-i-[blogger of pmi-daily.. oppsss do i need 2 syura on tis commnt??] p/s>> coz i do not want to use pmi id since it WASNT pmi who wud want to thank all d views shared here.. its just my STAND--i-- yg sincerely nak ucap kn tme kasih bnyk2 on d ideas n time spent on sharing d view.. kyeh.. hope im not talkin 'rubbish' heh >_<" 9/16/2006 07:35:25 AM

syahid^kecil said...
beselh..knalah jg sirr wa hazarr... :).xbestla letak name btul...blh xpress view dgn sesuke2 hati....(hope bkn sesuke hati but frm d quran n sunnah view)....iallah....whats d most important...ana akhukum fil mautu fi sabilillah asma' amanina...iallah..
9/17/2006 10:03:43 PM

Anonymous said...
syahid^kecil.... i know who u are... haha
9/17/2006 10:10:25 PM

intrestin' kan? =)


public opinion on islam

PETALING JAYA: Nearly three quarters of Malay Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia believe that Malaysia is an Islamic state, according to a poll.

Seventy-three percent of 1,029 Muslims surveyed in the Muslim Identities Public Opinion Survey, Peninsular Malaysia answered "Yes" to the question "Is Malaysia an Islamic state?", while 25% answered "No" to the question and 2% said they didn't know.However, 77% said they did not want an Islamic state in Malaysia, like Iran.Of those polled, 57% wanted hudud laws implemented. However, 60% said non-Muslims should not be subjected to hudud laws while 28% said they should.

The public opinion survey conceptualised and coordinated by Assoc Prof Dr Patricia Martinez of Universiti Malaya's Asia-Europe Institute, polled 1,029 randomly-selected Malaysian Muslims across the peninsula between Dec 15 and 18 last year (2005).It was administered by the Merdeka Centre and supported by funding from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

It also found that a majority of Malay Muslims in the peninsula say it is acceptable for Malaysian Muslims to live alongside people of other religions.The majority also believe that Malaysian Muslims should learn about other religions in Malaysia, and that Muslims in Malaysia can participate in interfaith dialogue.Asked if Islam should be part of an Interfaith Council in Malaysia, if there were one, the majority also said "Yes".

Martinez noted that the survey has mixed findings, some of which dismantle the generalisations and assumptions that are made about Malaysian Muslims.Ninety-seven percent of those polled said it was acceptable for Malaysian Muslims to live alongside those of other religions, while 76% said that if there were an interfaith council in Malaysia, Islam should be part of that council.However, even though 77% said Malaysians should be allowed to choose their religion as stipulated in the Constitution's Article 11 which guarantees freedom of religion, 98% said Malaysian Muslims should not be allowed to change their religion.

Of those polled, 64% want the syariah to remain as it is under the Constitution.At the same time, 77% said current syariah laws in Malaysia were not strict enough, 18% said they were sufficiently strict, and 2% thought they were too strict.Forty-four percent also believed that the authority to monitor and punish Muslims for immoral behaviour should be state religious authorities, 33% chose family, and 21% chose others.

Martinez said the survey's objective was to get Muslims themselves, instead of those who speak on their behalf, to define their identity, issues and concerns, noting that this was the first such large-scale poll that had been conducted in Malaysia."Some of the findings really repudiate some of the claims being made about Muslims, or even what many of us have assumed. For example, the growing orthodoxy, which came through in the survey, does not mean that Peninsular Malaysian Muslims are growing less open to diversity in the country."However, one needs to point out that some of those with the power to shape Islam or who make pronouncements in the media or who claim to speak on behalf of, or for Islam, seem to function from the opposite dynamics: making Muslims more exclusive, less able to accept and participate in cultural and religious pluralism," she told theSun.

The poll also asked Muslims which identity they would choose if they could only choose one, and 73% chose Muslim, 14% chose Malaysian, and 13% chose Malay. However, 99% felt they were all three.Martinez said that if over 70% of more than half of Malaysians identify themselves primarily as Muslims, then national unity policies and programmes, which largely focus on bridging the racial and ethnic gap, do not sufficiently address the fundamental element of religiosity."Obviously, we need to build interfaith dialogue in all these policies and programmes, and by that, I mean the ability to know about the religion, and not just the cultural practice, of the other," she said, noting however, that unlike cultural practice, in interfaith dialogue, not everything is up for scrutiny or discussion."

This is the sort of 'sensitivity' that should be addressed. Not silence and silencing, but knowing boundaries. And here the golden rule, 'do unto others as you would others do to you' suffices.If you don't want people discussing Jesus in disrespectful terms, then don't talk about the Prophet Muhammad disrespectfully, for example."Martinez said the government should consider building interfaith dialogue along these lines into national unity programmes and projects so that people could learn to disagree with civility and live with disagreement or difference from fellow citizens.

Majority of Muslims think men and women have equal rights

PETALING JAYA: A majority of Malay Muslims in Peninsular Malaysia believe that in Islam, women and men have equal rights.According to the December 2005 Muslim Identities Public Opinion Survey, Peninsular Malaysia by Assoc Prof Dr Patricia Martinez of University Malaya's Asia-Europe Institute, up to 76% of the 1,029 polled said both women and men have equal rights.

However, out of those who believed this, 80% were men and only 73% women.Of the 26% that responded "No" to the question, 26% were women and 19% men.The survey also found that 57% of those polled believed that if a husband told his wife she should not work, she should obey him. Out of this 57%, an equal number of men and women responded in the affirmative to the question."We focus on men as being chauvinistic, but it looks like the women are pretty conservative," Martinez said."Or another interpretation could be that Muslim women don't feel equal treatment or equality and so less numbers of women responded 'yes' to the question 'Are men and women equal in Islam'," she said, stressing that there are always a number of ways to interpret statistics.

To another question, only 55% of all respondents agreed that women could be syariah court judges, 38% disagreed, and 7% did not know or gave no response.Of those who agreed, 60% were women and 51% men. Of those who disagreed, 35% were women and 40% men.

[as posted in pmi-daily 14 sept '06 -pasted frm sun2surf]



an experiment proposed by Mr. Mathiass Chang the writer of future fastforward:

"lets go back home and do this simple experiment..

> evryone in the house are forced to use only one toilet, just that one particular toilet and for one day no one are allowed to flush after used it<..

{wouldnt it be an 'enjoyable' activity involving the whole family ^_^}

'eeee geli??' 'kotor??' well... that was the condition suffered by the palestinian for the past 50 YEARS!! (the israeli destroyed their sewerage system)"

our ignorance and silence are killing them!

[as posted in pmi-daily 3 sept '06]